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Los materiales incluidos en esta sección están protegidos por derechos de autor. Su uso está restringido a los alumnos de la Universitat de Lleida que deberán acceder con su usuario y contraseña de la intranet de la UdL.

From plant tissue culture to biotecnology: scientific revolutions, abiotic tolerance and foresty
A transgene for high methionine protein is postranscitionally regulated by methionine
Factors influencing Agrobacterium.mediated transformation of monocotyledonous species
Plant cryopreservation: process and proyects
Transformation of strawerry: the basis for translational genomics in rosaceae
Cucurbit biotecnology. The importance of virus resistance
RNA silencing in plants
Changing concepts in plant hormone action
Genetic transformation of perennial tropical fruits
Alternative statistical analyses for micropropagation: a practical case of proliferation and rooting phases in Viburnum opulus
A simple wheat haploid and doubled haploid production system using anther culture
Mechanisms of somatic embryogenesis in carrot suspension cultures. Morphology, Physiology, Biochenestry, and molecular Biology
Sugarcane biotecnology. The challenges and opportunities
Novel approaches for regulting gas supply to plant systems in vitro: application and benefits of artificial gas carriers
Molecular breading strategies for the modification of lipid composition
Forest biotecnology: innovative methods, emerging opportunities
Priming for transplant stress resistanc in in vitro propagation
In vitro morphogenesis in plant. Recents advances
Targeting transgene expression in research, agricultural, and enviromental applications: promoters used in plant transformatio
Transgenic trees for a new era
One hundred years of zygotic embryo culture investigation
Genetic regulation of somatic embryogenesis with particular reference to Arabidopsis thaliana and Medicago truncatula
Conservation in vitro of threatened plants. Progress in the past decade
Genetic transformation tecnology: status and problems
Public opinion toward the first, second, and third generations of plant biotecnology
Shoot apical meristem: asustainable explant for genetic transformation of cereal crops
To root or not to root, that is the question: reflections of a developmental plants physiologist
The story of transgenic cerals: the challenge, the debate, and t he solution. A Historical perspective
Genetic engineering in conifer forestry: technical and social considerations
Artemisinin: the biosinthetic pathway and its regulation in Artemisia annua, a terpenoid-rich species
Recents advancement in research on photoautotrophic micropropagation using large culture vessels with forcerd ventilation